26 April 2011

I've Got 2 AWARDS!!!

Woop woop!!
I've got two awards... I've got two awards... *singing*

Alright, actually I was kinda shocked when I visit my blog and saw two amazing bloggers give me two unbelievable messages. They said: "Congratulation, you've got an award!"
They asked me to pick the awards from their blog and post it in this blog.

Wow, I didn't really know about the reason why they gave me this awards. I really thank to them.

Okay, now, I will post and share it to you. But before it, you better check this two amazing blogger's who gave me this awards; Prilly and April "Big thanks, sist!! :D"

"Stylish Blogger Award"
I will give it to:
1. Ayu
2. April
3. Dhin-chan

"One Lovely Blog Award"
I'll give it to:
1. Prilly
2. Sekar
3. Elizabeth

Have fun with the awards, folks :)
Don't forget to send it to your blogger friends.

and, at least,
have a nice day :))))

19 April 2011

OMG McFly!!

"if anybody sees her..."

Dari tadi pagi gue gak bisa berhenti nyanyiin itu lirik (tanpa tau kelanjutannya, HAHA). Oke, lirik ini adalah cuplikan dari lagu SHINE A LIGHT yang dipopulerkan oleh McFLY Feat. TAIO CRUZ. Dan asli ini lagu keren abis.
Gue pertama kali tau lagu ini adalah dari iklan di TV. Guess what?? Ternyata McFly mau konser di Indonesia, di dua kota; Surabaya dan Je-kar-dah, tanggal 23 dan 24 April besok.

McFly sendiri adalah band asal Inggris, consist of Tom Fletcher (lead vocals and guitar), Danny Jones (lead vocals and guitar), Dougie Poynter (backing vocals and bass) and Harry Judd (drum).
Shine a Light sendiri adalah single dari album kelima mereka 'Above the Noise', dimana mereka berkolaborasi dengan Taio Cruz.

photo: McFly

reblogged from Fuck Yeah McFly

Dougie, Harry, Tom, Danny
reblogged from Fuck Yeah McFly

Shine A Light (ft. Taio Cruz)

18 April 2011

Most have-to-visit place

Alright, it's Monday evening and today was the greatest Monday I've ever met (seems so lebay). Yeah, this is my first day of my one-week-holiday!!

I have no idea about what will I post this time. So I just stole this title from my friend's blog

Most have-to-visit place a la Adhila Kiasatina:
1. Old Trafford Stadium (The Theatre of Dream)

You know exactly the reason why I wanted to go there.
I wanna go there so damn bad!!

2. Munich, Germany

Munich is one of the historical cities in Germany, also a capital city of Bavaria (Bayern).
I like their historical buildings. It's like a big "Kota Tua" *lol*

3. Kukup Beach, Jogjakarta, Indonesia

I've visited Jogjakarta soooo many time, but I've never been this beach.
My friend, Dita, she tell me about the beauty of this place all the time.
It always make me kinda envy.


Sabtu kemaren, 16 April, ada temen blogging gue yang ulang tahun. Sumpah, gue lupa banget. Makanya sekarang gue mau sekalin ucapin disini.

Aprilia Nur Ariestania

Happy birthday, kawan.
Makin keren, makin dewa, makin-makin deh :D
Have a great 16 yaaa :)

Maaf ucapannya telat :x

17 April 2011

Treble Winner?? HUAAAAAA *cryin*

Manchester City 1-0 Manchester United

Harapan United dan para fansnya untuk meraih Treble Winner pupuslah sudah http://www.cute-smiley.com. Tadi malem, City berhasil mengalahkan United dengan skor 1-0. Bukan mengalahkan sih, si Yaya Toure lagi punya hoki yang lebih aja *siul-siul*
Banyak yang bilang gol ini adalah kesalahan Carrick. BIG NO!!! Yah, walaupun emang ada sedikit kesalahan dia -__-"

Ada kejadian menarik di akhir pertandingan, antara Rio Ferdinand dan Mario Balotelli. Rumornya sih, selebrasi yang dilakukan Balotelli ditujukan untuk mengejek fans United, hal itu membuat Ferdinand marah dan berusaha mengejar Balotelli. Eeh, pas lagi ribut, Balotelli masih sempet-sempetnya ngedipin mata ke Ferdinand. Alhasil, Ferdinand makin marah deh.
Gue sendiri juga gak ngeliat kejadiannya secara langsung, gue kan cuma nonton sampe di menit 30 HAHA http://www.cute-smiley.com

Berikut adalah insiden perkelahian antara Ferdinand dan Balotelli yang sempat terekam kamera:

Yah, untunglah fans United nggak ngobrak-ngabrik Wembley Stadium gara-gara ulahnya Balotelli.
Jadilah sportif, kawan!! http://www.cute-smiley.com

Buat United Army di seluruh dunia... kita masih punya dua trofi yang bisa dikejar. Tetap semangat!!


15 April 2011

Yipiiie, I create a GIF

Alright, I have nothing to do this morning, and I just spending my time in front of my computer. I just do "blogwalking" to some blog, and fortunately I found an amazing blog. It gave me a cool gif-maker site!!

Me and Fathia, we always wondering to make some gif picture. We ask our IT teacher and some web-master in our school to tell us how to make a gif, but no one could tell us *sad*

Luckily, I found this!!
For a first try, I made this gif :)))

It was really simple to make this one,
click here to try.

this gif's just for fun =)

Angkot 02

Sebenernya ini adalah hal yang terlalu memalukan untuk di post. Tapi, mungkin, kisah gue ini bisa berguna bagi seluruh pengguna angkot yang sering ketiduran.
Here we go,

Jum'at, 14 April 2011
Sekolah dipulangin 2 jam lebih awal dari biasanya. Rare, huh? Setelah ngambil SK sama legalisir rapot di TU dan ngembaliin buku fisika ke perpus, akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk pulang. Biasanya gue pulang bareng Fathia. Tapi karena Fathia lagi ada job tambahan, gue akhirnya pulang sendirian.
Pulang sendirian bikin gue (agak) ngantuk, gara-gara harus diem karena gak ada temen ngobrol. Sampe di Pondok Gede, gue ngelanjutin perjalanan naik angkot 02 ke arah Bekasi. Di sana gue bener-bener gak bisa nahan ngantuk. Gue ngeliat ke sekitar, ada beberapa ibu-ibu (yang keliatannya baik-baik) dan tiga orang anak SMP (yang keliatan baik-baik juga). Finally, gue ketiduran. Sambil duduk.

Pernahkah lo ngeliat orang ketiduran di angkot sambil duduk? Lo pasti ngeliat orang itu merem sambil kepalanya goyang-goyang dan tiba-tiba kesadar gara-gara kepalanya mau jatoh.
Dengan rasa malu, gue mengakui bahwa gue melakukannya kemarin -____-"

Gue: *kebangun tiba-tiba dengan kepala oleng*
Anak-anak SMP: *tiba-tiba ketawa gede banget*
Gue: *merasa diketawain* *stay cool and calm*

Kalo lo bener-bener ngantuk dan gak ada pilihan lain selain tidur, maka yang harus lo lakukan adalah:
1. Taro tas ransel lo di pangkuan
2. Lipat kedua tangan lo di atas tas ransel
3. Taro kepala lo di atas kedua tangan lo itu
Akan jauh lebih baik kalo lo pake jaket bertudung.

14 April 2011

United goes to Semifinal

Today was my last day school and I'll get one week day off *yelling*
Look what I've got here!!

Manchester United 2-1 Chelsea FC

photo: manutd.com

I think it's kinda late to post it now. Then, I think it's too cool to passed :)

I watched the match on Wednesday, with my Chelsea-fan Father (again). It was amazing, I think. And the coolest thing came at 77', when Drogba finally scored and made it 1-1. But then, still at 77', Park Ji-sung made The Old Trafford hailing his name.
"Typical Ji, The Lads love him."
-Michael Carrick

Berdasarkan sejarah, dalam sepuluh tahun terakhir, tim-tim yang berhasil mengalahkan Chelsea di babak knock-out, bakal berhasil melaju ke final dan bahkan mengangkat trofi. Baca fakta unik ini


10 April 2011

F1 Malaysian Grand Prix

Hello, Sunday evening.
I just watched F1 Grand Prix on tv live from Sepang, Malaysia. It was so cool that Red Bull's Sebastian Vettel won this Prix, with the McLaren's Jenson Button on the second and Renault's Nick Heidfeld hanging for the third.

fourth: Mark Webber (Red Bull)
fifth: Felipe Massa (Ferrari)
sixth: Fernando Alonso (Ferrari)
seventh: Lewis Hamilton (McLaren)

I was cooking a meal when I watching this race. And my Father blame me when he saw it singed.
Note for us: you better turn off your stove when you are watching another F1 race.

8 April 2011

Rain on April

It's already April, but why the rain still come?
Kata guru Geografi gue, pada bulan April sampai Oktober, Indonesia mendapat musim kemarau, karena pengaruh angin muson timur. Tapi kenapa sore ini hujan deras?

Sore ini harusnya ada pertandingan lanjutan Nasa Cup antara Astex dan XI IPA 1, yang akhirnya batal begitu saja. Well, the rain came unexpectedly. Padahal, hari ini gue udah capek-capek bawa slr (ditambah pianika dan baju olahraga)
http://www.cute-smiley.com rencananya hari ini gue dan Fathia mau ngefoto momen-momen Astex pas lagi main futsal. Gagal deh.
http://www.cute-smiley.com http://www.cute-smiley.com

ada yang beda dari posting gue yang satu ini kan? Yep, gue pake emoticons. Wanna some? Grab them here.

7 April 2011

Chelsea FC 0-1 Manchester United

It's been a long-long time I never post anything about football. But now, I come back with a really-really great news!!!

Chelsea FC 0-1 Manchester United

Fergie's men just made another glory for us. I watched the match this morning, with my Chelsea-fan father xD. I woke up at 1:30 a.m just to watch this big match (I didn't care that was a school day). I was a bit worry when I know they were playing at Stamford Bridge on the first leg of the Champion League quarterfinal,
"It was United's first victory in Chelsea's backyard since April 2002 when Rooney was a sixteen year-old..."
And the miracle came at 24'

Rooney's goal celebration

Photos: manutd.com

"Rooney back to his best..."
- Rio Ferdinand

That's all for today post. I can't stop to talk bout this great news to everyone at school.
Have a nice day,

6 April 2011

Sleeping (without Beauty)'s Story

Hello, I'm back here!!
Okay, school days make me so damn busy and I've never got any second to play with my PC.

Entah karena gue kurang jam tidur atau gimana, akhir-akhir ini gue sering banget ngantuk di jam pelajaran. Mata gue berasa berat banget buat melek. Yah, akhirnya kejadian 'Ketiduran di Kelas' pun tak terelakan. Ini terjadi kemarin; Selasa, 5 April 2011, jam pelajaran ke 7-8.

Pas itu lagi pelajaran Bu Sutimah, guru Sosiologi yang kalo ngomong temponya lama banget, bikin orang yang denger makin ngantuk. Bu Sutimah duduk di meja guru, dan gue duduk di meja tepat di depan meja guru (gue bener-bener khilaf milih meja satu ini). Bu Sutimah nyuruh anak-anak untuk ngafalin tentang Pengendalian Sosial menurut para Sosiolog; menurut si Peter L. Berger, Roucek, Emile Durkeim, siapa lagi tuh gue lupa.

Gue pun ngafalin itu semua, dan yah, gue udah berhasil ngafalin sebagian besarnya. Karena capek ngafalin, akhirnya gue naro pala gue di meja, beralaskan jaket gue. Empuk bung, dan satu... dua... tiga... binsalabim, gue pun ketiduran.

Gue gatau udah berapa lama gue tidur, gue kebangun karena kaget. Gue bingung banget itu kaget gara-gara apa, yang jelas gue kebangun aja. Dan pas gue ngangkat kepala, Bu Sutimah lagi ngeliatin gue...
Bu Sutimah: "Kamu ngantuk, Adhila?"
Gue: *diem sambil cengengesan*
Bu Sutimah: "Ayo, dibaca, biar pas ulangan ngerti."
Gue: *mengangguk mantap*
Gue ngecek jam, dan well, gue baru merem kurang lebih empat menit.
Ryt, that's a little story bout my high school life -___-"

1. Congratulation for Astex. Once more, they got another glory on Nasa Cup 2011.
2. InsyaAllah, gue lagi ngerjain proyek bikin desain tiket Crops bareng Fathia. Mudah-mudahah sukses ya, kawan.

1 April 2011

April Mop

Welcome, April!!
It's April 1st. It's APRIL MOP, you know, it's usually called by April Fools' Day. People around the world celebrate this day every year, by playing all kind of jokes, hoaxes, tricks and foolishness (my life always full of foolishness, even there's no April Mop, lol)

My friend, Tumi, did it to me today. She laughed so hard after she told me a joke and then shouting like this: "APRIL MOP!!". Well, I just stared at her with my 'what-did-you-say' face. Indeed, I didn't realize today was an April 1st.

It's April 1st, let's be a fool on April Mop!!

Can't catch my words?

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