Most have-to-visit place
Alright, it's Monday evening and today was the greatest Monday I've ever met (seems so lebay). Yeah, this is my first day of my one-week-holiday!!
I have no idea about what will I post this time. So I just stole this title from my friend's blog
Most have-to-visit place a la Adhila Kiasatina:
1. Old Trafford Stadium (The Theatre of Dream)
You know exactly the reason why I wanted to go there.I wanna go there so damn bad!!
2. Munich, Germany
Munich is one of the historical cities in Germany, also a capital city of Bavaria (Bayern).I like their historical buildings. It's like a big "Kota Tua" *lol*
3. Kukup Beach, Jogjakarta, Indonesia
I've visited Jogjakarta soooo many time, but I've never been this beach.
My friend, Dita, she tell me about the beauty of this place all the time.
It always make me kinda envy.
Sabtu kemaren, 16 April, ada temen blogging gue yang ulang tahun. Sumpah, gue lupa banget. Makanya sekarang gue mau sekalin ucapin disini.
Aprilia Nur AriestaniaHappy birthday, kawan.Makin keren, makin dewa, makin-makin deh :DHave a great 16 yaaa :)Maaf ucapannya telat :x
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uuuu sosuit sekali dhilaaaa! Makasih banyaks!!! itu fotonya ambil di pebuk ya? agak serem kalo digedein -___-
serem? dikit sih, HAHA
gapapa lah kali-kali naro foto serem.
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