25 March 2011

I heart them

Thanks God it's FRIDAY!! Yeah, school's off tomorrow, and I totally love this part.
Intinya hari ini gue lagi pengen banget ngepost tentang sesuatu, tapi faktanya, otak gue lagi mentok dan gak tau mau nge-post tentang apa. Maybe, my brain was contaminated by Hidrocarbons *lol*

Yah, dan akhirnya pas gue lagi blogwalking, gue nemu sebuah post tentang cowok-cowo
k idola gitu. Dan akhirnya gue memutuskan untuk 'nyolong' ide tersebut. HAHA :D

Okay, let's just start it,

Photo: reblogged from Joelyeah

*brb: dying* did you know who's the man on the steer wheel?

It's Ricardo Kaka
We all knew bout him, ryt? He's a great-skilled footballer from Brazil,
and now he's playing for Real Madrid FC.
Note: dia keren dewa!!! :O

Photo: Reblogged from Dangerously Persuasive v.2.0

Chris Pine
Pertama kali kenal dia adalah pas gue nemu fotonya di hape Anissa Rivia, temen sekelas gue yang sekarang tinggal di Australia.
Ternyata, she's a big fan of Chris Pine.
Yah, pada akhirnya, gue ikutan ngefans deh.

Chris Pine ini adalah seorang aktor keren yang udah membintangi banyak film,
yang paling gue suka: The Princess Diaries 2 dan Star Trek

Photo: Sport Club

Sebastian Vettel
Pembalap F1 yang gue suka satu tingkat di atas Fernando Alonso. Dia masih muda dan menurut gue, yang belum lama mengenal dunia F1, dia punya skill yang keren kok.
Team: Red Bull

Photo: Football Pictures

Jonny Evans
Pemain Manchester United yang gue suka karena dia ganteng. Faktanya, meskipun dia masih kurang bener sebagai seorang defender, dia tetep aja ganteng.
Yah, he's still young player, and he'll be better as long as he grow up.

That's all for this time. I have so many thing to do.
Thanks for reading,
have a nice weekend :)

P.S : I didn't own those pictures, click the links to find out who own those pics.

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